Tuition is non-refundable and is due at the beginning of each semester. If payment is received after the 10th of the due month, an automatic late fee of $10 will be applied to that account. There will be a $35 charge for returned checks.
Tuition and all fees, including Registration Fee, Costume Fees, Curriculum Fees, Dance Supplies (including team uniform), are all non-refundable and are to be paid in full by the due date specified by VSPAC. VSPAC accepts payment by Cash, Check, Venmo, Zelle, and Paypal. Parents are responsible for tuition if they have not officially withdrawn their child from classes. (Officially withdrawn means that the parent must either email, call our office, or in person state that their child is no longer taking classes). Please do not assume that we will automatically know that your child is no longer taking classes without a formal withdrawal.
The non-refundable Registration Fee of $35 for all students. There is an additional fee of $15 per child for families with multiple children.
Curriculum Fee includes: (1) instructional materials, used as part of the course for the teachers; (2) fees
assessed to pay for services external to our performing arts center. (3) Recital costs such as rental of the
theatre, lighting, sound, security and other online streaming platforms. These fees include materials related to the mechanics of teaching the course, such as course outlines, syllabi, training classes for our teachers, and purchase, maintenance, and replacement costs of instructional and other studio equipment.
The non-refundable Curriculum Fee of $100 for the first child and $50 for each additional child in the same immediate family must be paid by October 15th and will incur a late fee of $10 if payment is received after the due date.
A non-refundable Costume Deposit of $50 per class must be paid by November 1st and will incur a late fee of $5 per class if payment is received after the due date. The non-refundable Costume Balance is due in the Spring.
Tuition is to be paid in full and will not change regardless of attendance, studio closing, or in cases where there less (or more) than 4 class meetings in a month. Tuition remains the same regardless of how many active classes there are in the month. Tuition is due from September-June. Students can schedule a make-up class via email or phone (approved make-up classes are unlimited and do not expire for the current year).
VSPAC reserves the right to make changes to the schedule (including weather cancellations), and any and all Recital and Competition dates are subject to change.
There is absolutely NO FOOD OR BEVERAGES (except bottled water) allowed anywhere in our Center. Please ensure that your children have water bottles labeled with their full name. They will be required to bring them home for disposal.
students’ bags and can only be used for emergencies to contact a parent. If a parent needs to contact a student while he or she is in class, please call the office at 718-680-0944 and ask our receptionists for help.
There are certain inherent risks associated with the activities of dance, gymnastics, or the like, and students and their families assume full responsibility for any personal injury, and further release and discharge VSPAC for any and all injuries, losses or damages arising out of the use of or presence upon at the facilities of VSPAC.
Students and their families agree to observe and obey all posted rules and warnings, and further agree to follow any oral instructions or directions given by VSPAC, or the employees, representatives or agents of VSPAC.
(Applies Only to Students on Competition Teams) 1. Participation on a Competition Team is a serious commitment and students are expected to do their absolute best to ensure their attendance is consistently good. 2. Certain competitions require travel and their dates as well as locationsare subject to change. Students must accept the responsibility to attend these competitions and arrange their own transportation to and from. Furthermore, VSPAC pledges to do it's very best to select appropriate competitions that do not require excessive travel. 3. Students agree to pay all Competition Entry Fees in full by the due date specified by VSPAC and recognize that there will be a late fee of $20 per routine for Entry Fees paid after the due date. Competition Entry Fees are non-refundable, unless the Competition is completely canceled. (Competition dates subject to change) 4. Students must purchase a non-refundable costume for each Competition Team to which they are registered and a mandatory Team Uniform ($100). A non-refundable costume deposit of $50 per team is due by October 31st. Students will incur a late fee of $10 per class if payment is received after the due date.
All students are placed according to their age: mommy & me, preschool, mini, petite, junior, teen, senior. Class placement will be carefully reviewed and evaluated by the teacher and director. Previous dance experience may or may not be considered in a placement evaluation. Poor attendance will have a direct result in placement advancement Regular attendance is essential to maintain and/or advance in your designated level.
Proper dance and music training requires discipline. It is this kind of discipline that makes studying the arts such a positive and valuable activity. Students are required to attend their classes on time and wearing proper attire. SEE DRESS CODE for more details. A proper warm up is required for most classes and students who arrive late to class may be asked to sit and observe the rest of the class instead of participating. Please call the studio if you're running late or missing a class. There is absolutely no chewing gum and eating in any of the classrooms. Gum is not allowed anywhere in the studio., Disruptive behavior, use of profanity, or bullying and ridiculing other students will not be tolerated and will result in immediate expulsion from class.
A mandatory Dress Rehearsal will take place at the location of the performance - your participation in the dress rehearsal is crucial to the success of the performance and your child's comfort on stage. The specific date and time will be provided to you in advance. Each family will receive a limited amount of complimentary tickets to the Recital.
The Vicky Simegiatos Performing Arts Center is proud to offer en environment providing a strong foundation which develops students physically, intellectually, culturally, emotionally, and socially through the discipline of dance and music. Regardless of whether a student wishes to pursue a career in dance or music, or participate for personal development and enjoyment, we are committed to offering the highest standards in education and training. By joining our Center, all students and their families must agree to the following guidelines: