Abdul Belle aka Mr. Kid, was born in Trinidad and grew up in Brooklyn NY. He found dance at the age of 14, dancing in school talent shows and school functions. Later on, he became a local NYC street performer and started booking professional jobs, such as, Stussy Clothing photo shoot, Jolly Rancher commercial, Nickelodeon commercial and also appearing on BET, MTV, VH1, NBC, and other cable networks. Mr. Kid also realized he had the joy of teaching, so he started teaching his first Breaking class at a Long Island dance studio. In about a year he grew from two classes a week to eight classes a week, and went from teaching at three different studios to eight. In three years he had one of the most popular breaking classes in Brooklyn. Mr. Kid’s Hip Hop choreography also started to gain great recognition which led him to teach at various conventions, workshops and special guest teaching at Broadway Dance Center and various studios In New York and the tri state area. From there he started his own DJ company called, Not Just Dancers Entertainment employing many professional dancers and provided internship for young aspiring dancers. But he wanted to do more so he started his own dance workshop company called, Innovations In Dance Development. The objective of this company was to bring high esteemed choreographers to young dancers who may not be able to have access to these teachers, ranging in all styles of dance.

In 2015 he formed the "Mr. Kid's Protege Program". A program created to give young studio dancers opportunities beyond the studio and prepare them for their dance careers in performing and teaching. Mr. Kid is well known for his community outreach work, from motivational speaking at public schools, Hunter College, performing for the Department of Homless Services, The Seton Foundation for Down syndrome & special needs and The Crossroads Juvenile Center. In 2015 he was elected president of Love No Hate, an Anti Bullying organization with hundreds of members and thousands of followers all over the world. His most recent project is his clothing line called 5678Steps. Mr. Kid's work continues to speak volumes, inspiring young and old dancers and non dancers, gaining tremendous support on an international level.